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You’ve fitted great tyres to your vehicle… and now you need to know that looking after your tyres will go a long way in helping your tyres look after you.


Correct tyre pressure will help extend the life of your tyre, improve vehicle handling safety and maintain fuel efficiency.

Regularly check the pressures and adhere to the vehicle manufacturers’ recommendations for your vehicle.

Correct tyre inflation pressures ensure maximum effective contact between the tread of the tyre and the road surface.

Under-inflated tyres will result in poor road-holding, especially during cornering, as well as increased braking distance.

Under-inflation also results in excessive drag and heat build-up, with the increased risk of catastrophic failure.

Under-inflation also results in premature wearing of the outer edges of the tyres and increased fuel consumption.

Over-inflation will also result in poor grip, as the contact between tyre and road will be focussed on the centre of the tread, rather than firmly over its entire width.

This also results in premature wear over this central area around the entire circumference.


Incorrect wheel alignment can result in rapid, irregular tread wear, as well as adversely affecting your vehicle’s overall safety and road-handling.

Bumping a kerb, hitting a pothole or speed-hump in the road and even excessive wear of steering or suspension components can all impair your vehicle’s wheel alignment. Maintaining the proper alignment of the wheels and tyres will not only ensure optimal driving performance, but also deliver better ride comfort. Most importantly, it will maximise the life of your tyres.

Let us check your vehicle’s alignment every 10,000 kms.


Tyre rotation is the practice of swapping the front tyres of a car with the back tyres at regular intervals. The basic idea of tyre rotation is to extend the life of the tyres.

Front tyres of a vehicle have to perform several different tasks. Together with the rear tyres, they provide traction through direct contact with the road surface. However, the front tyres must also respond to steering commands by altering the vehicle’s momentum in one direction or another. The result of all this friction is a gradual loss of tread.

Simply put, the front tyres take more abuse than the rear ones while the car is moving.

In order to prevent the front tyres from wearing out much faster than the rear ones, a periodic tyre rotation becomes necessary; as frequently as every 10,000 kms.

However, it may not always be good practice to rotate, particularly if the front tyres (that would be rotated to the rear) are too badly worn. The reasons for this are:Partly worn tyres are more susceptible to punctures, particularly in wet weather conditions;Front tyre deflation will create an under-steer effect which is easier to control than over-steer (the effect produced by a rear tyre deflation). In the event that a tyre deflates suddenly, it is therefore easier to control the vehicle if this occurs at the front of the vehicle.For improved handling and stability it is recommended that the “best” tyres should always be fitted at the rear of the vehicle. This is irrespective of whether the vehicle is front or rear wheel driven.

Because of this, tyre rotation cannot be recommended under all circumstances. Rather visit Tyremart where we can advise you properly before any rotation is done.


Good vibrations? Not when it comes to wheels and tyres which may be out of balance. Vibrations (or shudder) on a steering wheel which particularly manifest at moderate to high speeds, may indicate an imbalance.

This is not only uncomfortable for driving, but may also result in the premature wear of the suspension, steering and steering components, rotating parts and tyres.

Tyremart stores are equipped with state-of-the-art wheel balancing equipment to keep your wheels spinning perfectly.


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